Bonnie and Clyde are growing nicely. They are getting into a normal routine. In the mornings, they get to play outside before it gets too hot. They love anything active but especially tugging games. We are amazed at how fast they are growing. When we first started playing tug-o-war with them, there wasn't much resistance on the other end of the rope. Now when we play, we get a strength training workout for free. Who needs a gym membership? |
Their personalities are really starting to come out. Bonnie is the sweetheart. She looks at you with sad eyes if she feels like she's not getting her fair share of attention. As a side note, if you have more than one puppy (or dog in general), it is very important that you treat them both equally and that they each get the same amount of attention. You notice it immediately in their behavior when one feels left out. Clyde has earned himself a new nickname: Lunchbox. He gets very interested anytime we are doing anything in the kitchen. He thinks he needs treats all the time. A note on this: we have noticed that if he gets too many snacks he gets a little gassy. The other day we could have sworn he was fumigating for mosquitos. Here are some pictures of Dad at work. When he is not playing with a certain pair of puppies, he teaches people Martial Arts as well as general self defense classes. In the bottom picture, a 6 year old student is learning a technique to fend off a knife attack by an adult. You hear people sometimes say that you can fight for free on any street corner, but they are missing the whole point. If you fight on the corner, it is all about brute strength. When you know a few techniques, you don't have to be the strongest to win or get away. If you know the right techniques, you can conquer the worst attacks. Because of her size, in the next step of this technique, she could break his arm and get away even though she is much smaller than he is. Technique and skill make up for any difference in size. This is part of what makes traditional Jiu-Jitsu ideal for women, who are usually smaller than their attackers. Sometimes it's actually easier to throw a bigger person than it is a smaller one because their center of gravity is so much higher. | I would put pictures here of Mom at work, but it wouldn't be very exciting. I guess I could post some, and then if you are having trouble sleeping, you could just look at our blog. :) |