Anyway, back to the cats bringing us presents. Since there isn't much to hunt, they bring us dog toys instead. We try to put the dog toys in their toy box most evenings, but lately, we have been waking up to toys just outside our bedroom door in the morning. The puppies don't mind, and immediately pick up the toys and carry them back to the kitchen, where they get dropped in favor of checking out kitties instead.
Yesterday, the puppies were playing inside ( it rained again so playing outside wasn't an option) and Kitty S went to sleep on the edge of the dining room table. Mr. M was playing and then noticed the cat. He got quiet and went over to sniff her and make sure she was still okay. As soon as she moved a little, he went back to playing with the other puppies. We are constantly amazed at how sweet the puppies are with each other, the cats and us. Miss S got fussed at the other day and went and laid down on the floor in the kitchen- sad at having gotten in trouble. Miss M went over to try and get Miss S to play. When Miss S didn't act interested in playing at all, Miss M got a very concerned look on her face and started licking Miss S as if to tell her everything was going to be okay. She licked her muzzle and then went about cleaning her ears. She did the same thing to Mr. C when she found him napping in the dining room. They are such sweet dogs! The more we get to know them, the more I wonder how anyone could believe all of the negative hype surrounding the breed.
This is the reason they couldn't play outside yesterday. The entire yard pretty much looked like this. I was surprised they didn't have a ton of accidents in the house. I mean seriously, I wouldn't want to potty in that!
For now, though, we have been playing inside.