We decided a while back that normal was not something we do very well. So why fight it?
As soon as we brought Miss M home, we gave her a bath in the sink. Mr. M and Miss S were very distraught that they couldn't climb into the sink too, but it has been a really long time since they last fit in the sink.
After her bath, she barked at Miss B for her food before we could get the bowls into everyone else's crates. We had started feeding the four of them in their crates a while back so that Miss S wouldn't eat everybody's food. So now, they are used to eating in the crates. Miss M hasn't quite figured that out and thinks she needs to take food out of all of the other crates.
Over all, our puppies seem to like her. Mr. C thinks she is his puppy again. He snuggled her and played. Mr. M finally has someone to chase him around when he gets to feeling playful. Most of the time the others just play with him a little but ignore him after a while. She jumped at him and followed him all over the house. He pranced around like a teenage boy showing off. He and Miss S both ran and sat in Mom's lap for a cuddle several times just to make sure that they are still her babies.